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The Freshest Ideas Are in Small Grocery Stores

As big supermarkets struggle, a new crop of local groceries are innovating to serve niche audiences and advance social causes.

“By and large, supermarkets are kind of behind the eight ball” in responding to changes in how people shop, said Diana Smith, the associate director of retail and apparel for the market research company Mintel.

Customers, especially younger ones, want stores that offer what some industry analysts have come to call “food experiences,” with craft beer on tap, meals to go and vegetable butchers. They tend to shop only when they cook, visiting more than one store to collect ingredients, rather than making a weekly trip to stock the pantry with toilet paper, chuck roast and gallons of milk.

Grocery Marketing

Grocery marketing programs that include a custom publishing track are programs that pay back many times over. When you create compelling content and market your content to customers and prospects, content monetization is surely to follow.